
Maria Modrovich was born in Bratislava, in what used to be Czechoslovakia in 1977. She studied Non-Slavic Philology (German, basically) at the Comenius University in Bratislava.

She lives in New York and sometimes in Bratislava, and works as a freelance journalist.

Even though she had a late start, she is quickly becoming a writer.

9 Responses to “About”

  1. Rick Rofihe Says:

    Maria Modrovich has two stories on the online literary journal Anderbo.com including her first, titled “Bratislava”, and e newer one, called “The House” which is at http://www.anderbo.com/anderbo1/afiction-047.html

  2. Maria Kmecova Says:

    love your page :-)) would be great to see more fotos!

  3. Chad Kushins Says:

    Excellent story in “3am” this month …. There’s no such thing as a late start for a writer, and your style is very impressive.

  4. Igor Says:

    Gratulujem a drzim palce!

  5. Jozef Ulrich Says:

    Majka Modrovičová z Togliattiho ulice?

  6. Jozef Ulrich Says:

    Nebol som si istý, či si to ty a z tej tvojej malej fotky v okuliaroch som bol už úplne mimo. Plus sú to roky… 🙂
    Ale aj tak som rád, že sa ti darí… 🙂

  7. Diana Bolton Says:

    Maria, I have just read your story “After the Floods” on Anderbo. I loved it! If you have time, check out my website link. I am the editor of a journal called District. We would love to see a submission from you.

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